Elizabeth Potter

A kiln, a sculpting studio and a finishing room and ‘hey presto’ here come the characters created by Elizabeth Potter.

Working with a variety of clays, ranging from textured and hued through to more delicate paper clays, Elizabeth sculpts her distinctive figures by hand. As the character ‘emerges’ from the clay, there is a conscious decision to never over work the piece, thus to retain spontaneity of process. After the kiln process the decision is made, whether to add final colour and detail or to leave as fired. Each finished sculpture is unique and housed in simple monotone box frames – this enables them to be displayed as a free standing object or hung as though a painting.

Elizabeth studied at York School of Art although throughout her childhood her parents encouraged drawing even on the pavement outside her fathers shop, making and creating has always been part of her life.

“The figures I make are my observations of people, capturing a small but telling sideways glance, a momentary action which reveals so much about their lives.
I am particularly delighted to see the expressions and hear the comments of people as they view the pieces and it’s so nice to see that they, like me, get so much pleasure from my ‘folks’. ”
Elizabeth Potter

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