How fortunate we are to work with artist LIZZIE RICHES! – last year we asked Lizzie, along with several of our gallery artists, to consider creating work upon the theme ‘SPIRIT OF PLACE’ finding inspiration in the history, mystery and nature of Norfolk’s BLICKLING HALL & ESTATE.
The exhibition here in the gallery is scheduled for 15th – 28th July which will, in part, coincide with this years Holt Festival.
The new painting by Lizzie is intriguingly titled ‘LADY FRANCES & THE FLORIST’S FEAST’
In Lizzie’s own words ‘According to Anna Pavord’s masterly book “The Tulip” tulip bulbs had probably come to England through Flemish refugees who ,as many of them were weavers , settled in Norfolk to work in the woollen trade. This period saw the beginnings of florist’s societies….. I suppose the precursors of the RHS…… and the first celebration of which …. a Florist’s Feast….. was held in Norwich in May 1631. An observer noted that this event was attended by “Gentlemen of birth and quality “ In my mind I am sure the Hobarts of Blickling would have heard of this fashionable gathering and purchased bulbs for their beautiful garden . Though wildly inaccurate historically, my painting depicts Lady Frances Hobart enjoying her madly expensive blooms . Quite a lot of modern tulips have crept into the picture!’
Enjoy this wonderful image and for more information do contact the gallery.
The entire exhibition, ‘SPIRIT OF PLACE’ will be available to view on this site nearer to the exhibition opening date.